Friday 27 September 2013

white cotton delights

We've just come back from a lovely weekend in Bundaberg, which is just below us on the map.  Of course we did the obligatory Bundaberg rum tour and tasting.  I must say rum is on the lower end of my favourite alcoholic beverages list, but it was really delicious to try all the different types with different mixers.  I'm quite converted. Any drink suggestions are most welcome.
As well as doing the rum tour, I toured a couple of op-shops.  And I must have said it a million times, but I stand by it: smaller country town op shops are always full of absolute gems.  I came across a rack of shirts for 50c each and found not one, but four beautiful white vintage cotton shirts.  I love all of them for different reasons.  The frills and embroidery and delicate collars...and now I'm gushing like a proud parent.

Wednesday 25 September 2013

poppy & mustard


I am in love with this dress.  It's way deeper than lust.  I purchased it from the lovely Poppy & Mustard whom I stumbled across at the handmade market that has recently started up in town.  I have the biggest lady crush on the girls.  It's made from beautiful vintage sheets, which means it's ridiculously comfortable.  I suppose it's one step away from wearing a toga!  The capped sleeves and ample skirts will be perfect for hot summer days.  You should check them out and then we can have a toga party.

Tuesday 24 September 2013

preserve me

Remember how I mentioned all the beautiful produce up in the north of the country?  Please observe fine examples below.  We are in the thick of strawberry season with massive punnets of strawberries for an absolute steal.  I hope the growers are doing alright out of it, I guess buying it straight from them at the market rather than the big chains gives them a better profit.
I love making jam, or stewing the fruit I can't use in time.  It's so nice to have home-made things ready to go in the fridge pantry and freezer.  Kumquat marmalade jam tastes like home to me.  I can't remember a time in the last decade where I've walked away from nanna and pa's house without a jar or two.  And jam with cream on fresh bread is the most delicious way to satisfy groans of hunger pre)and post) dinner.  But enough salivating from me.
The process always seems to end up rather messy when I'm at the stirring helm.
And voila! The finished product, ready to cool on the windowsill.

Monday 23 September 2013

minty green evenings


Warm evenings and minty limey cocktails on the back deck. Ready for a hot summer!  Please send any good cocktail (and/or mocktail - for more a more virtuous day) recipes my way...

Friday 13 September 2013

sun seaside and seafood

Best things about living near the seaside:
1) Seafood
2) Long walks along the beach
Which is pretty much our whole weekend, every weekend.  I can find no better way to release the stress of the week than looking out at the ocean.  It's that whole 'feeling tiny' thing, and then you realise everything you were stressing about completely doesn't matter and that there's no use worrying about tomorrow, because tomorrow is going to happen however it wants!
Cooking and subsequent eating of all the fresh seafood has been brilliant for stress relieving also.  And how great is it that I can look through the front window of the fish market and straight out the back door to the fishing docks and the open sea?

Friday 6 September 2013

flower power dress, a morning walk then down to some serious business


What a glorious morning to start the weekend.  In previous weeks I have been extremely lucky to visit home, seeing friends and family for the first time in much to long to think about.  It has left me feeling very loved, satisfied that I am not missing out on too much, a decent amount of home sickness, and exhausted.  So a weekend full of 'normal' is welcomed with open arms.
Despite a whole week of having difficulty waking up, on the weekends my body is happy to be up and about at first light (what sick joke is that!).  So down to the beach we go to exercise the dog, or is he exercising us?
This number is one of my (many) memento's from my trip home.  I've now got a very keen eye for dresses that can handle the Queensland summer, and this vintage dress ticks all the boxes. I am madly in love with the bright pattern, it MAKES me happy.  Plus I can just about wear anything with it as I'm sure I'll find a colour in the fabric to match.
And now I'm back at the house, post our quick walk to the nearest voting booth.  Yes it's election day.  I'm yet to work out if my interest in politics is acceptable or tres uncool.  People seem to be very polarised.  But despite my keen-ness to exercise my democratic right I was a little disappointed by the voting options.  I'm not complaining that the options are all the same, because there are huge differences.  I just didn't realise Australia was so deeply conservative as seen from the number of conservative parties ('Stop the Greens' Party??? Are you kidding, a whole party dedicated to stopping another Party whose most dangerous ideas is protecting whales etc??).  I think I had this idea that  Australia was progressive, but I tells ya, I'm not feeling so confident.  I guess I just don't want to be embarrassed on a global level, is that too much to ask?
 Anyway, shake off that serious face Alice, you're getting frown lines.  And it's still a glorious weekend.

lemon, laneways and nostalgia

Farewell long hair, my old friend.  Until we meet again.  We shared so many good times, but now is the time for space, before we get too attached and parting becomes too difficult.
So I had the chop.  And it was good.  And I love it.  And I'll want long hair again one day.  But not just now.