Friday 3 May 2013

sea green with envy

A quiet drink in town was in order to, well...celebrate Friday!  Lord knows what the excuse will be tomorrow (likely celebrating Saturday).
Step 1: Fresh face
Step 2: Add wings!

Step 4: Contain hair

Step 3: Red lips

As I began donning lippy, I was wondering: at what point did I become comfortable with red (and variants) lipstick.  I always thought lipstick looked gaudy and was too loud for my face (apart from escapades in mum's makeup draw when I was 5, back then I looked fab-u-lous). When did wearing lipstick turn from try-hard grownup to just grownup?  Now it just seems as natural as putting on shoes, but I wonder how it got to that point.  It's a nice point to be at.

Such a lovely sea green colour and I'm a sucker for pleats.  Shotty lighting, but hopefully you get the gist.

I remember finding this dress long ago on a treasure hunt down Brunswick St,  Man, I know the perception is Brunswick St thinks it's cooler than cool, but that's just because it is.  I could just people watch down that street all damn day.  Not to mention plenty of places to wet your whistle along the way with caffeinated and/or boozy liquids.....but I digress! 

The little black buttons on the shoulder remind me of the one's on my childhood hand-knitted jumpers from nanna.  That may sound like a bad thing, but it's not.  It's not!

Happy Friday!

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